Knott another blog: Five things I have learned so far
By Jesca Knott, Paralegal, Family Law Team
Hi, I am Jesca Knott, I joined Cullimore Dutton in May of this year as a Paralegal in the Family Law team and I’m sharing these brief insights into life as the new girl.
Today, in part four, I share the top five things which I have learnt to date.
1. Get comfortable being out of your comfort zone
In any new job, you will feel out of your comfort zone, but this is actually no bad thing!
Embracing this has taught me to be realistic and to accept that I will not know everything at first. I have learnt so much already in the short 4 months I have been here.
2. Be flexible
Usual practices change when you start a new job and being open and accepting of this is so important.
In Family law, you cannot predict what will happen and it is crucial to be flexible and adaptable, this enables you to deal with any situation which may arise.
3. Practice makes perfect
In Family law, every case is unique. Learning the protocols and procedural rules really helps and makes dealing with the unexpected a lot easier.
It is vitally important to feel prepared. In being prepared, you feel more confident, which in turn enables you to provide the best possible service for your client.
4. Write everything down
It is so important in our work to make sure that we pay attention to detail. We have to ensure that our client’s thoughts and instructions are recorded correctly, throughout my time here I have taken detailed notes on each matter which I have often referred back to.
I have also been keeping a training diary. This has enabled me to record the areas of Family law I have covered while highlighting the areas where I need to develop my knowledge and understanding.
5. Never assume anything
This is one of the first things Brenda, my line manager taught me.
It is too easy to assume you know what the next step is or try to predict what a client may tell you. However, by taking a step back and asking those questions to which you think you already know the answer, often creates different outcomes and perspectives.
In Family law it is vitally important to remain non-judgemental and open-minded.
Get in touch with Cullimore Dutton Solicitors on 01244 356 789 or email
Please note: This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.