Highlights of 2020

16 December 2020

By Adele Bebbington-Plant, Director and Head of Wills, Trusts & Estates

In this my final blog, I wanted to share my highlights of 2020.

We started the year happily working together in our beautiful Chester City Centre offices, we have a fabulous team and are genuinely friends as well as colleagues.

As the year progressed and the news of a new virus began to grow, we quickly realised that a full office working next to each other would no longer be an option, (we thought then, for at least part of 2020!) and swiftly made plans to allow our team to work safely, securely and remotely.

As the virus became the pandemic and the first lockdown loomed, it was all hands-on deck to implement the plan. The tenacity and determination of every single staff member during that time and throughout the pandemic has been commendable.

We quickly adapted our procedures enabling us to continue to help, support and advise our clients. I have been incredibly proud to witness my colleagues going above and beyond to provide exceptional service to our clients on many occasions this year.

As a business we never stand still, and this year it has been more important than ever for us to grow and strengthen our organisation for the future. We have been delighted to welcome five new recruits this year as well as seeing several colleagues gain promotion, further developing our management structure. 

Sadly, we along with everyone else are heading into Christmas unable to have our Christmas party, which is a huge shame as it is our fantastic team who have been my highlight in 2020. In spite of the challenges and obstacles which COVID has thrown our way, the Cullimore Dutton team has not only coped, but excelled. I am genuinely excited for what the future holds for us.

All that remains is for me to thank you for sharing in these blogs with me and to wish you, my colleagues, our clients and all our community a very merry Christmas and a healthy and peaceful New Year. I hope you manage to connect with those you hold dear over the festive period whether in person or virtually.

Until next time.

Get in touch with Cullimore Dutton Solicitors on 01244 356 789 or email info@cullimoredutton.co.uk