Finding your why

30 March 2022
News, Managing Director

LinkedIn – the world of so-called business experts, the fake it ‘till you make it specialists and the wannabe millionaires. That said some of the content on LinkedIn is very good and it is where I came across Simon Sinek and the concept of Finding your Why and setting audacious goals.

At around the same time we had just established our new board of Directors (what do you do in a pandemic, set up a new board and management structure – because there wasn’t enough change going on during that period!)

On establishing our new board, we undertook the usual analysis of where are we at, what we needed to do blah blah blah. All of which was needed and positive steps to take but we had an over whelming feeling that there had to be more to running a business than this. Being blunt, what we had done was good from a business management and governance perspective, but it was not very inspiring. This was when I remembered the concept of Finding your Why by Simon Sinek (, in other words, why do you do what you do?

Finding your why
Pondering on that question, we found that we had no good answer. Making money yes but that certainly is not our why or very inspiring – making money is what every business must do to survive. Our desire was to build a business that we are all proud of, which meant it could not be just about making money.

We mulled over this question for some time. We spoke with colleagues, with business contacts, and with friends about Cullimore Dutton to understand what impact our business has on our clients and colleagues. What did we do that they valued?

We also spoke with clients and took the time to review our client feedback in detail. One client had commented on how the work we had undertaken on their behalf had made a positive change in their life. It that moment the idea of Changing Lives for our Clients, Colleagues and Community was born.

We wanted to build a business that we could all be proud of, and what better way of achieving this than by changing the lives of our colleagues, clients, and community in a positive way.

Why is this important?
This belief in changing lives is like the source of a river from which everything flows; the values of our business, the culture we wish to establish, the continuous improvements we can make which support the development of our colleagues. This in turn leads to a better service for our clients and ultimately through doing this we can support our community by offering our time, or our financial resource to help those who may need it.

So, from our experience why has finding your ‘why’ been so important

  1. It has given our business a vision that all colleagues can help work towards.
  2. It has helped shape the values and culture we wish to have as a business.
  3. Our goal setting has become easier and our ambitions bigger, as we work towards achieving this vision.
  4. In summary we have one vision that we are all working towards.

Finding our why is not only helping to shape our business, but also helping us to change lives.

If you would like to arrange free half hour consultation with one of our expert team, please contact us on 01244 356 789 or email

Andrew Wright